
Our product range

NutriMedical’s primary focus is on the core range products. These products represent the vast majority of volume in your country. Also substituting current products with your brand is easy and straightforward. We offer solutions in each of the major product categories:

Oral Nutritional Supplements

Oral Nutritional Supplements (ONS) or Sip feeds are consumed by patients directly from the bottle or tetra and are mostly used as a supplement to the regular diet to boost nutritional intake. Known products in this market are Ensure Plus© and Fortisip©. Our products are nutritionally comparable to these products. We put a lot of effort in creating the best possible taste and shelf life to bolster your sales. The shelf life of our sip feeds is best-in-class in the industry. Our current portfolio consists of the following products:

NutriGain EnergyNutriGain Energy JuniorNutriGain
XtraEnergy 2.0
NutriGain Hi-Energy 2.4
Age group6-99 years1-10 years6-99 years6-99 years
Energy density (kCal/ml)1,51,52,02,4
Energy / 200 ml bottle (kCal)300300400480
Energy / 200 ml bottle (kJ)1.2601.2601.6802.016
Protein / 100 ml (gram)6,04.08,09,6
Vitamins and minerals27282828
Flavours3 or 4 flavours. all with natural aromas and colourings only
Packaging200 ml and 8 floz HDPE bottle 
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Modules or Powders are versatile solutions and can be administered as tube feed solution to the patient or as a supplement to the regular diet. Our products are produced in Switzerland and nutritionally comparable to market best-sellers like Ensure© powder and Pediasure© powder. 
These are the current products:

NutriSolve FiberNutriSolve Junior Fiber
Age group6-99 years1-10 years
Energy density (kCal/ml)1,01,0
Energy / 200 ml serving (kCal)200197
Energy / 200 ml serving (kJ)840827
Protein / 200 ml  serving (gram)7,26,4
Vitamins and minerals2929
Packaging400 gram and 900 gram tins 
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Enteral Nutrition Products

Enteral Nutrition Products or Tube feeds, are used by patients unable to fulfil their nutritional needs themselves for a variety of reasons. These products are typically used in a hospital setting, but tube feed usage in the community is also possible. We can supply you with four different products which are nutritionally comparable to products from for instance Nutrison©, Osmolite© or Jevity©. Our products are compatible with existing feeding sets on the market. We can also support you in the supply of necessary accessories (feeding sets and gastro-nasal tubes).

NutriCover FiberfreeNutriCover FiberNutriCover Energy
NutriCover Energy Fiber
Age group6-99 years6-99 years6-99 years6-99 years
Energy density (kCal/ml)1,01,01,51,5
Energy / 500 ml bottle (kCal)502522752760
Energy / 500 ml bottle (kJ)2.1082.1933.1583.200
Protein / 100 ml (gram)3,83,86,06,0
Vitamins and minerals27292929
Packaging500 ml HDPE bottle  
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Upcoming Products

At the moment there are several new product initiatives underway, all in different stages of developments. Our existing clients can provide input on the specifications and composition of these new products to enable quick registration and commercial success. Also, there are other products we can supply on special request which we haven’t highlighted above. Reach out to us to learn more.